🎓 IT and Information Systems, Universitetet i Agder

Delving deep into the realm of IT and Information Systems, my Bachelor’s degree focused on the potent power of digitalization and how it fosters the evolution of organizations and societies. With a keen focus on user-centric design, I honed my ability to analyze, craft, and develop digital solutions tailored to user needs. I also had the opportunity to explore cutting-edge topics like algorithms & data structures, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and system development, which ignited my passion further. The journey was made even more enriching with the guidance of dedicated lecturers and the collaborative spirit of my fellow students.

📝 Media and Communication, Vardafjell VGS

Embracing my creative side, I undertook a general competency course in Media and Communication. This learning experience provided me with a solid foundation in various media disciplines, including digital design, multimedia production, and effective communication strategies.

🔧 Technology and Industrial Production, Karmsund VGS

Kicking off my academic journey, I engaged in a one-year competency course in Technology and Industrial Production. This program exposed me to the core principles of industrial production, setting the stage for my future exploration into the technical way.